In the Name of Allâh the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.
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Friday, February 26, 2010
am i too skinny??
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Master of Engineering Science
Master of Engineering (Biomedical)

Sunday, February 21, 2010
segala puji kepada Allah tuhan sekalian alam
rasanya sudah sekalian lama aku tiddak meng"UPDATE" blog ini sepertimana yang aku harapkan. segala isi blog hanya bekisar tentang apa ynag mengisi peti email aku yang aku copy dan paste.
hatiku tergerak untuk menulis apa yang terfikir di fikiran. lagipun harini kelas aku menurut kata teman aku telas terbatal.
Visi Universiti Penyelidikan
Kampus USM di India
Oleh Betty Subaryati
IPTA pertama buka cawangan di luar negara
KOTA BHARU: Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) mencipta sejarah menjadi institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) tempatan pertama mengembangkan sayapnya ke luar negara dengan membuka kampus cawangannya di India.
Kampus pertamanya di luar negara itu akan ditempatkan di Jawaharlal Nehru Medical University di Belgaum, Karnataka, dan menawarkan pengajian perubatan dengan pengambilan kumpulan pertama seramai 100 pelajar, Julai depan.
Naib Canselor USM, Prof Tan Sri Dr Dzulkifli Abd Razak, berkata buat permulaan keutamaan akan diberi kepada pelajar Malaysia sebelum dibuka kepada penuntut antarabangsa. "USM menerima pelawaan untuk membuka kampus cawangan di India, baru-baru ini dan bersetuju mengembangkan operasinya. Kampus India ini akan menggunakan sepenuhnya kurikulum bersepadu USM.
"Prasarana dan kemudahan lain termasuk asrama dan peralatan makmal akan disediakan Jawaharlal Nehru Medical University.
"Program pengajian perubatan di USM India dijangka akan mengambil masa lima tahun dengan keseluruhan yuran pengajian dijangka kira-kira RM350,000 (US$100,000)," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas majlis penyampaian Sijil MS ISO 9001:2008 kepada Pengarah Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) Kubang Kerian, Dr Zaidon Kamari dan Pengarah Kampus Kesihatan USM, Prof Datuk Mafauzy Mohamed.
Pada majlis sama, Dzulkifli turut menyampaikan anugerah kepada pemenang pertandingan Konvensyen Kualiti dan Inovasi (KIK), membabitkan 10 kategori antaranya asrama pelajar, laman web dan Makmal Diagnostik dan Analitik.
USM yang mencipta sejarah menjadi universiti awam pertama dipilih sebagai Universiti Apex pada September 2008, mensasarkan untuk disenaraikan dalam 100 universiti terbaik dunia dalam tempoh lima tahun dan 50 terbaik menjelang 2020.
Dr Dzulkifli berkata, bagi menjayakan usaha itu, USM juga akan melatih beberapa pegawai dari universiti ini di sini untuk menjadi tenaga pengajar di kampus cawangan India.
"Usaha ini adalah untuk merealisasikan USM sebagai Universiti Apex sepenuhnya menjelang 2013 dan sekiranya berjaya, ia merancang mengembangkan sayapnya ke beberapa negara lain seperti Timur Tengah," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, Dr Dzulkifli berkata, USM akan membuka satu lagi kampus cawangan di Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, tahun depan bagi menampung jumlah pelajarnya yang kini berjumlah kira-kira 30,000, di empat kampusnya sekarang.
"Daripada jumlah itu, kira-kira 20,000 pelajar adalah prasiswazah, manakala 10,000 lagi pelajar pasca siswazah. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi meminta ditambah bilangan pelajar prasiswazah kepada 30,000 dan untuk itu USM memerlukan kampus baru," katanya.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Killer Tips To Make A Woman Swoon All Over You...
work almost every single time:
1. Display TRUE Alpha Male Confidence
This is not that fake kind of bravado
that you usually see from guys that
don't know any better. This is that
kind of confidence that is NATURAL and
2. Talk to her, but not like you
would a guy you know.
Sounds like a NO-BRAINER, but a lot
of guys end up talking to a woman the
same way they would to one of their
"boys." If you want to get her HOOKED,
then YOU better make her want to hear
more from you
3. Don't EVER talk yourself down.
Most guys that seem to fail at
attracting women are pretty good at
talking themselves down and assuming
the worst. You have to assume the BEST,
and know that you CAN get the girl.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
the worst dating advice in the world
the worst dating advice in the world, there
are quite a few candidates.
Sometimes, it seems like there is more BAD
advice out there than there is GOOD advice.
What is GOOD dating advice anyway?
It's stuff that actually works out in the real
world and doesn't just sound good when written
down on a piece of paper or read off of a
computer screen.
After much consideration, what I came up with
for the WORST dating advice in the world is:
" You should try to be her best friend."
Yes, to me, this is about the worst thing
that you can do. With a few exceptions, women
rarely ever even think about dating a friend.
And if you have just met a woman and the first
thing that you do is try and be her friend
Why would you want to shoot yourself in the foot
like that?
As long as you approach a woman as a friend, you
can be sure that you are going to get a lot of
phone calls to chat about nothing, a lot of
requests to do her favors when she needs them,
and little to nothing when it comes to REAL action.
Is that what you want?
To build a long list of attractive women that are
If you want to make a lot of friends with women,
then that's your choice
Saturday, February 6, 2010
whats the best way to approach women
The Traits
of mind. You can't be one of those guys that
talks himself out of approaching a woman or
believing that you have no chance at all.
That's not going to get you very far.
Women absolutely fall for a man that possesses
the three C's; Confidence, Charm, and
And guess what?
You can develop every one of these traits and
start attracting women like NEVER before!
It only gets better.
As you have more experiences where you create
attraction with women, you become MORE CONFIDENT.
As a result, you naturally will see your CHARM
and CHARISMA shoot through the roof as well.
Master those three C's and you will be able to
make just about any woman you desire fall for
Are we friends or is there something more there?
Friday, February 5, 2010
himself and knows HOW to make her feel GOOD when
she is around him.
To be that kind of guy, you have a couple of options:
A) You can suddenly change EVERYTHING about you,
which I do not recommend at all!
B) You can learn how to trigger attraction in a woman
and make her see YOU as the kind of guy she wants to be