membaca tread sahabatku tentang BAGAIMANA SEORANG AYAH MELAHIRKAN KASIH SAYANG NYA ternyata berjaya mencairkan hatiku yang keras dan tanpa aku sedari titisan jernih mengalir di pipiku....
betapa aku selama ini mengabaikan insan yang bernama ayah..insan yang banyak berkorban pada diri ini..maafkan shuib abah...
abaout him...
ayah aku hanyalah insan biasa..mungkinn kerana ini aku menjadi ego tatkala aku berjaya melanjutkan pelajaran ke universiti...sungguh aku tak terfikir....namun aku dapat rasai...aku seperti hilang rasa hormat padanya...
MasyaAllah...apakah aku ini monster????? dia ayah ku ya Allah...;(
ayahku pernah berkhidmat sbg seorg askar...semasa perkhidmatan..ayahku telah mengalami keasakitan...walaubagaimanapun mujur pegawainya tadak membehentikan nya dari perkhidmatan dan ayahku kini bergantung pada pencennya....
kehidupan ku di kampung dan masa sekolahku pada masa kecil amat mnyedihkan...aku selalu menyalahkan ayahku kerana gagal menydiakan kemudahan yang mencukupi kepadaku...aku yang sentiasa tak tahu bersyukur.....
pernah suatu ketika..semasa aku membonceng motosikal abah..ada orang mengutuk kekurangan abah...aku hanaya berdiam diri..abah hanya senyap shaja...sedangkan budak itu antara tingkatan satu atau 2..masa tu aku dah darjah 4-6..
aku bukannya membela abah..tetapi aku menyalahkan aabbah..aku malu denagan abahku sendiri..
ansedangkan abah yang membesarkanku..yang mnyara kehidupanku...zalim sungguh hatiku.....
perasaan ego aku sebagai anak sulung lelaki amat menebal...aku walaupun boleh dikatakan pelajjar cemerlang sekolah lama aku atak penah membenarkan ibu atau abah datang menandatangani rekod kemajuan aku...semasa sekolah mennagh laa...
aku seringkali memberi alasan abah sibuk..mak nk jaga baby...semua tu tipu belaka...aku malu untuk mebenarkan c8ikgu dan rakan2 aku tahu aku anak siapa...
aku malu dan ego mngaku dia ayahku...
batapa kerasnya hatiku....
selepas SPM disebabkan aku tgl d kawasan yang agak pedalaman aku gagl mencari pekerjaan sementara...jadi aku bercadang bercucuk tanam dibelakang rumahku...
sudah tentu barangkali aku yang tak penah bercucuk taman menggunakan skill yang salah semasa bertani..
abah yang sekadar sekali dua menbantu aku menasihati aku dan mengajarku cara bercucuk tanam..aku tringat ketika aku menanam cili dalam batas...tetiba abah menyalihkannya(anak pokok)..aku mnyalahgkan abah dan menyalah sangka abah mencabut ank pokoku...
aku marah abah dan terus meninggal kerja bercucuk tanam..
keesokkan harinya aku terharu..aku lihat abah menanam anak pokok baru...aku sedih eranan aku melayan abah dengan teruk..
abah..amaafkan shuib..
eik sygkn abah sepertimana eik sayangkan mama...
dah...aku xley nk taip lg...
Andai aku mati nanti..aku nk semua org tahu aku syg n hormat abah aku wlpn abh aku xmcm org lain..aku xpenah malu dgn keadaan abah berbangga abah aku wlpn mcm tu tp bjaya mjadikan aku aku harini..
kegagalan aku disebabkn aku sndiri..kejayaan aku adalah pertolongan Allah dan kalian semua...
maafkan aku~
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In the Name of Allâh the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.
Copyright Policy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The subject of this article you are about to read reveals a crucial secret of your life. You should read it very attentively for it concerns a subject that is liable to make fundamental changes in your outlook on the material world. The content of this film presents not just a different approach, or a philosophical thought: it is a fact which is also proven by science today.
Man is conditioned right from the beginning of his life that the world he lives in has an absolute material reality. So he grows up under the effect of this conditioning and builds his entire life on this viewpoint. The findings of modern science, however, have revealed a completely different and significant reality than what is presumed.
All the information that we have about the external world is conveyed to us by our five senses. The world we know of consists of what our eyes see, our ears hear, our noses smell, our tongues taste, and our hands feel.
Man is dependent on only those five senses since birth. That is why he knows the “external world” only the way it is presented by these senses.
Yet, scientific research carried out on our senses has revealed very different facts about what we call the “external world”. And these facts have brought to light a very important secret about matter which makes up the external world.
Contemporary thinker Frederick Vester explains the point that science has reached on this subject:
Statements of some scientists posing that "man is an image, everything experienced is temporary and deceptive, and this universe is a shadow", seems to be proven by science in our day. (Frederick Vester, Denken, Lernen, Vergessen, vga, 1978, p. 6)
In order to better grasp this secret behind matter, let us be reminded of our information about our “sense of sight” which provides us with the most extensive information about the external world.
How Do We See?
The act of seeing is realised progressively. At the instance of seeing, light clusters called photons travel from the object to the eye and pass through the eye lens where they are refracted and focus on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, rays are turned into electrical signals and then transmitted by neurons to the centre of vision at the back of the brain. The act of seeing actually takes place in this centre in the brain.
All the images we view in our lives and all the events we experience are actually experienced in this tiny and dark place. Both the film you are now watching and the boundless landscape you see when you gaze at the horizon actually fit into this place of a few cubic centimeters.
Now, let us reconsider this information more carefully. When we say, "we see", we actually see the “effect” the rays reaching our eyes form in our brain by being converted into electric signals. When we say, "we see", we actually observe the electrical signals in our brain.
By the way, there is another point that has to be kept in mind; the brain is sealed to light and its interior is absolutely dark. Therefore, it is never possible for the brain to contact with light itself.
We can explain this interesting situation with an example: Let us suppose that in front of us there is a burning candle and we view its light. During this period when we view the candle’s light, the inside of our skull and our brain are in absolute darkness. The light of the candle never illuminates our brain and our centre of vision. However, we watch a colourful and bright world inside our dark brain.
The same situation applies to all our other senses. Sound, touch, taste and smell are all perceived in the brain as electrical signals.
Therefore, our brains, throughout our lives, do not confront the "original" of the matter existing outside us, but rather an electrical copy of it formed inside our brain. It is at this point that we are misled by assuming these copies are instances of real matter outside us.
"The External World" Inside Our Brain
These physical facts make us come to an indisputable conclusion. Everything we see, touch, hear, and perceive as "matter", "the world" or "the universe" is only electrical signals in our brain.
For instance, we see a bird in the external world. In real, this bird is not in the external world, but in our brain. The light particles reflecting from the bird reach our eye and there they are converted into electrical signals. These signals are transmitted by neurons to the centre of vision in the brain. The bird we see is in fact the electric signals in our brain. If the sight nerves travelling to the brain were disconnected, the image of the bird would suddenly disappear.
In the same manner, the bird sounds we hear are also in our brain. If the nerve travelling from the ear to the brain was disconnected, there would be no sound left.
Put simply, the bird, the shape of which we see, and the sound of which we hear is nothing but the brain’s interpretation of electrical signals.
Another point to be considered here is the sense of distance. For example the distance between you and this screen, is nothing but a feeling of space formed in your brain. Also, objects that seem to be very distant in one person's view are actually images clustered at one spot in the brain.
For instance, someone who watches the stars in the sky assumes that they are millions of light-years away from him. Yet, the stars are right inside himself, at the centre of vision of his brain.
While you watch this film, you are, in truth, not inside the room you assume yourself to be in. On the contrary, the room is inside you. Your seeing your body makes you think that you are inside of it. However, you must remember that your body, too, is an image formed inside your brain.
Is the Existence of the “External World” Indispensable?
So far, we have been speaking repeatedly of an "external world" and a world of perceptions formed in our brain, the latter of which is what we see. However, since we can never actually reach the "external world", how can we be sure that such a world really exists?
Definitely we cannot. The only reality we cope with is the world of perceptions we live within our minds.
We believe in the existence of objects just because we see and touch them, and they are reflected to us by our perceptions. However, our perceptions are only ideas in our mind. Thus, objects we captivate by perceptions are nothing but ideas, and these ideas are essentially in nowhere but our mind… Since all these exist only in the mind, then it means that we are beguiled by deceptions when we imagine the universe and things to have an existence outside the mind.
To imagine matter to have an existence outside the mind is indeed a deception. The perceptions we observe may well be coming from an "artificial" source.
It is possible to see this in the mind’s eye by an example.
First, let us suppose that we could take our brain out of our body and keep it alive in a glass jar. Let us put a computer in which all kinds of information can be recorded. Finally, let us transmit the electrical signals of all the data related to a setting such as image, sound and smell to this computer.
Let us connect this computer to the sensory centres in our brain with electrodes and send the pre-recorded data to our brain. As our brain perceives these signals, it will see and live the setting correlated with these.
From this computer, we can send to our brain also signals pertaining to our own image. For instance, we can send to our brain the electrical correlates of such senses as sight, hearing and touch that we perceive while we sit at a desk. In that state, our brain would think itself as a businessman sitting in his office.
This imaginary world would continue as long as the stimulations keep coming from the computer. We would never realise that we only consist of a brain.
It is indeed very easy for us to be deceived into believing perceptions without any material correlates to be real. This is just what happens in our dreams.
The World in Dreams
For you, reality is all that can be touched with the hand and seen with the eye. In your dreams you can also “touch with your hand and see with your eye”, but in reality you have neither hand nor eye, nor is there anything that can be touched or seen. However, taking what you perceive in your dream to be material realities, you are simply deceived.
For example a person deeply asleep in his bed may see himself in an entirely different world in his dream. He may dream that he is a pilot and command a giant aeroplane, and even spend a great effort to command the plane. In fact, this person has not taken even one step away from his bed. In his dreams, he may visit different settings and meet with friends, have a chat with them, eat and drink together. Even though these are mere perceptions that have no material correlations, they are experienced in a completely realistic manner. It is only when the person awakes from his dream that he realises all were only perceptions.
If we are able to live easily in an unreal world during our dreams, the same thing can equally be true for the world we live in.
When we wake up from a dream, there is no logical reason for not thinking that we have entered a longer dream that we call real life. The reason we consider our dream to be fancy and the world as real is nothing but a product of our habits and prejudices.
This suggests that we may well be awoken from the life on earth which we think we are living right now, just as we are awoken from a dream.
Who Is the Perceiver?
After all these physical facts arises the question of primary importance. If all physical events that we know are intrinsically perceptions, what about our brain? Since our brain is a matter just like our arms, legs, or any other object, it also must be a perception just like all other objects.
An example will illuminate the subject further. Let us think that we extend the nerves reaching our brain and put it outside our head where we can see it with our eyes. In this case, we would be able to see also our brain and touch it with our fingers. This way we can understand that our brain is also nothing but a perception formed by the senses of vision and touch.
Then, what is the Will that sees, hears and perceives all other senses if it is not the brain?
Who is it that sees, hears, touches and perceives the taste and smell?
Who is this being that thinks, reasons, has feelings and moreover that says “I am me”?
One of the important thinkers of our age Karl Pribram also poses the same question:
Philosophers since the Greeks have speculated about the "ghost" in the machine, the "little man inside the little man" and so on. Where is the I -- the entity that uses the brain? Who does the actual knowing? Or, as Saint Francis of Assisi once put it, "What we are looking for is what is looking". (Ken Wilber, Holographic Paradigm, p. 37)
In fact, this metaphysical being that uses the brain, that sees and feels is the “soul”. What we call the "material world" is the aggregate of perceptions viewed and felt by this soul. Just as the bodies we possess and the material world we see in our dreams have no physical reality, the universe we occupy and the bodies we possess now also have no physical reality.
The real absolute being is the soul. Matter consists merely of perceptions viewed by the soul.
Yes, even if we start with the presupposition that matter is real, the laws of physics, chemistry and biology all lead us to the fact that matter consists of an illusion and to the inevitable actuality of a metaphysical matter.
This is the secret beyond matter.
This fact is so definite that it alarms some materialist scientists who think matter to be the absolute being. Science writer Lincoln Barnett says in his book “The Universe and Einstein”:
Along with philosophers' reduction of all objective reality to a shadow-world of perceptions, scientists have become aware of the alarming limitations of man's senses. (Lincoln Barnett, The Universe and Dr.Einstein, William Sloane Associate, New York, 1948, pp.17-18)
All these facts bring us face to face with a very significant question: If the thing we acknowledge to be the material world is merely comprised of perceptions given to our soul, then what is the source of these perceptions?…
In answering this question, we must consider the fact that matter does not have a self-governing existence by itself but is a perception. Therefore, this perception must have been caused by another power, which means that it must have been “created”. Moreover, this creation must be continuous… If there were not a continuous and consistent creation, then what we call matter would disappear and be lost.
This may be likened to a television on which a picture is displayed as long as the signal continues to be broadcast. If the broadcast stops, the image on the screen will also disappear.
The Real Absolute Being
So, who makes our soul see the earth, people, plants, our bodies and all else that we see?
It is very evident that there is a superior Creator, Who has created the entire material universe, that is, the sum of all perceptions, and continues His creation ceaselessly. Since this Creator displays such a magnificent creation, He surely has Eternal Power and Might. All the perceptions He creates are dependent on His will and He dominates everything He has created at any moment.
This Creator is Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
The only real absolute being is Allah. All things except Him are shadow beings He created. This reality is explained by the great Islamic scholar Imam Rabbani as follows:
Allah… The substance of these beings which He created is but nothingness… He created all in the sphere of senses and illusions…
The existence of the universe is in the sphere of senses and illusions, and it is not material… In reality, there is nothing in the outside except the Glorious Being, (Who is Allah). (Imam Rabbani Hz. Mektuplari (Letters of Rabbani), Vol.II, 357. Letter, p.163)
In all the four corners of this universe that is made up of perceptions is Allah’s Being as the only real being. Therefore, the closest being to man is Allah. This fact is explained in the Qur’an with the verse, “We created man and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.” (Surah Qaf: 16)
Whereever we are, Allah is with us. While you watch this film, the closest being to you is Allah Who creates everything you see at any moment.
As long as Allah makes us see images and gives sensations related to this world, we continue to live in this world. When He ends the images and sensations belonging to this world, shows us the angels of death and gives perceptions of a different dimension, this means we have died. The Day of Resurrection, Judgement, Heaven, Hell and all our eternal life will be created in the same way for us.
To create all these is too easy for Allah, Who displays the evidence of His Eternal Power and Infinite Knowledge to us yet in this world.
This film is based on Harun Yahya’s book “Timelessness and the Reality of Fate”.
The subject of this article you are about to read reveals a crucial secret of your life. You should read it very attentively for it concerns a subject that is liable to make fundamental changes in your outlook on the material world. The content of this film presents not just a different approach, or a philosophical thought: it is a fact which is also proven by science today.
Man is conditioned right from the beginning of his life that the world he lives in has an absolute material reality. So he grows up under the effect of this conditioning and builds his entire life on this viewpoint. The findings of modern science, however, have revealed a completely different and significant reality than what is presumed.
All the information that we have about the external world is conveyed to us by our five senses. The world we know of consists of what our eyes see, our ears hear, our noses smell, our tongues taste, and our hands feel.
Man is dependent on only those five senses since birth. That is why he knows the “external world” only the way it is presented by these senses.
Yet, scientific research carried out on our senses has revealed very different facts about what we call the “external world”. And these facts have brought to light a very important secret about matter which makes up the external world.
Contemporary thinker Frederick Vester explains the point that science has reached on this subject:
Statements of some scientists posing that "man is an image, everything experienced is temporary and deceptive, and this universe is a shadow", seems to be proven by science in our day. (Frederick Vester, Denken, Lernen, Vergessen, vga, 1978, p. 6)
In order to better grasp this secret behind matter, let us be reminded of our information about our “sense of sight” which provides us with the most extensive information about the external world.
How Do We See?
The act of seeing is realised progressively. At the instance of seeing, light clusters called photons travel from the object to the eye and pass through the eye lens where they are refracted and focus on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, rays are turned into electrical signals and then transmitted by neurons to the centre of vision at the back of the brain. The act of seeing actually takes place in this centre in the brain.
All the images we view in our lives and all the events we experience are actually experienced in this tiny and dark place. Both the film you are now watching and the boundless landscape you see when you gaze at the horizon actually fit into this place of a few cubic centimeters.
Now, let us reconsider this information more carefully. When we say, "we see", we actually see the “effect” the rays reaching our eyes form in our brain by being converted into electric signals. When we say, "we see", we actually observe the electrical signals in our brain.
By the way, there is another point that has to be kept in mind; the brain is sealed to light and its interior is absolutely dark. Therefore, it is never possible for the brain to contact with light itself.
We can explain this interesting situation with an example: Let us suppose that in front of us there is a burning candle and we view its light. During this period when we view the candle’s light, the inside of our skull and our brain are in absolute darkness. The light of the candle never illuminates our brain and our centre of vision. However, we watch a colourful and bright world inside our dark brain.
The same situation applies to all our other senses. Sound, touch, taste and smell are all perceived in the brain as electrical signals.
Therefore, our brains, throughout our lives, do not confront the "original" of the matter existing outside us, but rather an electrical copy of it formed inside our brain. It is at this point that we are misled by assuming these copies are instances of real matter outside us.
"The External World" Inside Our Brain
These physical facts make us come to an indisputable conclusion. Everything we see, touch, hear, and perceive as "matter", "the world" or "the universe" is only electrical signals in our brain.
For instance, we see a bird in the external world. In real, this bird is not in the external world, but in our brain. The light particles reflecting from the bird reach our eye and there they are converted into electrical signals. These signals are transmitted by neurons to the centre of vision in the brain. The bird we see is in fact the electric signals in our brain. If the sight nerves travelling to the brain were disconnected, the image of the bird would suddenly disappear.
In the same manner, the bird sounds we hear are also in our brain. If the nerve travelling from the ear to the brain was disconnected, there would be no sound left.
Put simply, the bird, the shape of which we see, and the sound of which we hear is nothing but the brain’s interpretation of electrical signals.
Another point to be considered here is the sense of distance. For example the distance between you and this screen, is nothing but a feeling of space formed in your brain. Also, objects that seem to be very distant in one person's view are actually images clustered at one spot in the brain.
For instance, someone who watches the stars in the sky assumes that they are millions of light-years away from him. Yet, the stars are right inside himself, at the centre of vision of his brain.
While you watch this film, you are, in truth, not inside the room you assume yourself to be in. On the contrary, the room is inside you. Your seeing your body makes you think that you are inside of it. However, you must remember that your body, too, is an image formed inside your brain.
Is the Existence of the “External World” Indispensable?
So far, we have been speaking repeatedly of an "external world" and a world of perceptions formed in our brain, the latter of which is what we see. However, since we can never actually reach the "external world", how can we be sure that such a world really exists?
Definitely we cannot. The only reality we cope with is the world of perceptions we live within our minds.
We believe in the existence of objects just because we see and touch them, and they are reflected to us by our perceptions. However, our perceptions are only ideas in our mind. Thus, objects we captivate by perceptions are nothing but ideas, and these ideas are essentially in nowhere but our mind… Since all these exist only in the mind, then it means that we are beguiled by deceptions when we imagine the universe and things to have an existence outside the mind.
To imagine matter to have an existence outside the mind is indeed a deception. The perceptions we observe may well be coming from an "artificial" source.
It is possible to see this in the mind’s eye by an example.
First, let us suppose that we could take our brain out of our body and keep it alive in a glass jar. Let us put a computer in which all kinds of information can be recorded. Finally, let us transmit the electrical signals of all the data related to a setting such as image, sound and smell to this computer.
Let us connect this computer to the sensory centres in our brain with electrodes and send the pre-recorded data to our brain. As our brain perceives these signals, it will see and live the setting correlated with these.
From this computer, we can send to our brain also signals pertaining to our own image. For instance, we can send to our brain the electrical correlates of such senses as sight, hearing and touch that we perceive while we sit at a desk. In that state, our brain would think itself as a businessman sitting in his office.
This imaginary world would continue as long as the stimulations keep coming from the computer. We would never realise that we only consist of a brain.
It is indeed very easy for us to be deceived into believing perceptions without any material correlates to be real. This is just what happens in our dreams.
The World in Dreams
For you, reality is all that can be touched with the hand and seen with the eye. In your dreams you can also “touch with your hand and see with your eye”, but in reality you have neither hand nor eye, nor is there anything that can be touched or seen. However, taking what you perceive in your dream to be material realities, you are simply deceived.
For example a person deeply asleep in his bed may see himself in an entirely different world in his dream. He may dream that he is a pilot and command a giant aeroplane, and even spend a great effort to command the plane. In fact, this person has not taken even one step away from his bed. In his dreams, he may visit different settings and meet with friends, have a chat with them, eat and drink together. Even though these are mere perceptions that have no material correlations, they are experienced in a completely realistic manner. It is only when the person awakes from his dream that he realises all were only perceptions.
If we are able to live easily in an unreal world during our dreams, the same thing can equally be true for the world we live in.
When we wake up from a dream, there is no logical reason for not thinking that we have entered a longer dream that we call real life. The reason we consider our dream to be fancy and the world as real is nothing but a product of our habits and prejudices.
This suggests that we may well be awoken from the life on earth which we think we are living right now, just as we are awoken from a dream.
Who Is the Perceiver?
After all these physical facts arises the question of primary importance. If all physical events that we know are intrinsically perceptions, what about our brain? Since our brain is a matter just like our arms, legs, or any other object, it also must be a perception just like all other objects.
An example will illuminate the subject further. Let us think that we extend the nerves reaching our brain and put it outside our head where we can see it with our eyes. In this case, we would be able to see also our brain and touch it with our fingers. This way we can understand that our brain is also nothing but a perception formed by the senses of vision and touch.
Then, what is the Will that sees, hears and perceives all other senses if it is not the brain?
Who is it that sees, hears, touches and perceives the taste and smell?
Who is this being that thinks, reasons, has feelings and moreover that says “I am me”?
One of the important thinkers of our age Karl Pribram also poses the same question:
Philosophers since the Greeks have speculated about the "ghost" in the machine, the "little man inside the little man" and so on. Where is the I -- the entity that uses the brain? Who does the actual knowing? Or, as Saint Francis of Assisi once put it, "What we are looking for is what is looking". (Ken Wilber, Holographic Paradigm, p. 37)
In fact, this metaphysical being that uses the brain, that sees and feels is the “soul”. What we call the "material world" is the aggregate of perceptions viewed and felt by this soul. Just as the bodies we possess and the material world we see in our dreams have no physical reality, the universe we occupy and the bodies we possess now also have no physical reality.
The real absolute being is the soul. Matter consists merely of perceptions viewed by the soul.
Yes, even if we start with the presupposition that matter is real, the laws of physics, chemistry and biology all lead us to the fact that matter consists of an illusion and to the inevitable actuality of a metaphysical matter.
This is the secret beyond matter.
This fact is so definite that it alarms some materialist scientists who think matter to be the absolute being. Science writer Lincoln Barnett says in his book “The Universe and Einstein”:
Along with philosophers' reduction of all objective reality to a shadow-world of perceptions, scientists have become aware of the alarming limitations of man's senses. (Lincoln Barnett, The Universe and Dr.Einstein, William Sloane Associate, New York, 1948, pp.17-18)
All these facts bring us face to face with a very significant question: If the thing we acknowledge to be the material world is merely comprised of perceptions given to our soul, then what is the source of these perceptions?…
In answering this question, we must consider the fact that matter does not have a self-governing existence by itself but is a perception. Therefore, this perception must have been caused by another power, which means that it must have been “created”. Moreover, this creation must be continuous… If there were not a continuous and consistent creation, then what we call matter would disappear and be lost.
This may be likened to a television on which a picture is displayed as long as the signal continues to be broadcast. If the broadcast stops, the image on the screen will also disappear.
The Real Absolute Being
So, who makes our soul see the earth, people, plants, our bodies and all else that we see?
It is very evident that there is a superior Creator, Who has created the entire material universe, that is, the sum of all perceptions, and continues His creation ceaselessly. Since this Creator displays such a magnificent creation, He surely has Eternal Power and Might. All the perceptions He creates are dependent on His will and He dominates everything He has created at any moment.
This Creator is Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth.
The only real absolute being is Allah. All things except Him are shadow beings He created. This reality is explained by the great Islamic scholar Imam Rabbani as follows:
Allah… The substance of these beings which He created is but nothingness… He created all in the sphere of senses and illusions…
The existence of the universe is in the sphere of senses and illusions, and it is not material… In reality, there is nothing in the outside except the Glorious Being, (Who is Allah). (Imam Rabbani Hz. Mektuplari (Letters of Rabbani), Vol.II, 357. Letter, p.163)
In all the four corners of this universe that is made up of perceptions is Allah’s Being as the only real being. Therefore, the closest being to man is Allah. This fact is explained in the Qur’an with the verse, “We created man and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.” (Surah Qaf: 16)
Whereever we are, Allah is with us. While you watch this film, the closest being to you is Allah Who creates everything you see at any moment.
As long as Allah makes us see images and gives sensations related to this world, we continue to live in this world. When He ends the images and sensations belonging to this world, shows us the angels of death and gives perceptions of a different dimension, this means we have died. The Day of Resurrection, Judgement, Heaven, Hell and all our eternal life will be created in the same way for us.
To create all these is too easy for Allah, Who displays the evidence of His Eternal Power and Infinite Knowledge to us yet in this world.
This film is based on Harun Yahya’s book “Timelessness and the Reality of Fate”.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Anak Buah v('-,')v
ni gambar anak buah aku harith n danish...kejap je diorg dh besar...teringat aku yang mewalikan akak aku kawin..sekarang dah ada 2org anak..kejap je...
mmmm...betapa cepat masa berlalu..dan aku pn hanya tgl 2 sem lg nk habiskan degree aku...InshaAllah

aku ternyata kurang menyelitkan nilai kekeluargaan dalam aku nyer blog...betapa aku ingin mngundurkan masa...aku ingin mengecapi apa yang aku telah aku abaikan...
betapa aku ingin menghargai perkara kecil yang aku ada...
benar kita tidak akan tahu bersyukur sehingga kita kehilangannya.....
akan tiba suatu masa ketika dalam kehidupan apabila anda teramat rindukan seseorang sehingga anda ingin menggapainya dalam mimpi anda, anda ingin memeluknya dengan sebenar..
mimpilah apa yang anda ingin mimpikan
pergilah ke mana anda ingin tujui
jadilah apa yang anda inginkan
kerna anda hanya punya satu kehidupan di dunia
dan satu peluang melakukan apa benda yang anda ingin lakukan.....
mmmm...betapa cepat masa berlalu..dan aku pn hanya tgl 2 sem lg nk habiskan degree aku...InshaAllah
aku ternyata kurang menyelitkan nilai kekeluargaan dalam aku nyer blog...betapa aku ingin mngundurkan masa...aku ingin mengecapi apa yang aku telah aku abaikan...
betapa aku ingin menghargai perkara kecil yang aku ada...
benar kita tidak akan tahu bersyukur sehingga kita kehilangannya.....
akan tiba suatu masa ketika dalam kehidupan apabila anda teramat rindukan seseorang sehingga anda ingin menggapainya dalam mimpi anda, anda ingin memeluknya dengan sebenar..
mimpilah apa yang anda ingin mimpikan
pergilah ke mana anda ingin tujui
jadilah apa yang anda inginkan
kerna anda hanya punya satu kehidupan di dunia
dan satu peluang melakukan apa benda yang anda ingin lakukan.....
the questions
Daripada Sayyidina Khalid bin Al-Walid Radiallahu ‘anhu telah berkata : Telah datang seorang arab desa kepada Rasulullah S. A. W yang mana dia telah menyatakan tujuannya : Wahai Rasulullah! sesungguhnya kedatangan aku ini adalah untuk bertanya engkau mengenai apa yang akan menyempurnakan diriku di dunia dan akhirat. Maka baginda S. A. W telah berkata kepadanya Tanyalah apa yang engkau kehendaki :
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang alim
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Takutlah kepada Allah maka engkau akan jadi orang yang alim
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang paling kaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jadilah orang yang yakin pada diri maka engkau akan jadi orang paling kaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang adil
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Kasihanilah manusia yang lain sebagaimana engkau kasih pada diri sendiri maka jadilah engkau seadil-adil manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang paling baik
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Jadilah orang yang berguna kepada masyarakat maka engkau akan jadi sebaik-baik manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang istimewa di sisi Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan zikrullah nescaya engkau akan jadi orang istimewa di sisi Allah
Dia berkata : Aku mahu disempurnakan imanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Perelokkan akhlakmu nescaya imanmu akan sempurna
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan orang yang muhsinin (baik )
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Beribadatlah kepada Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya dan jika engkau tidak merasa begitu sekurangnya engkau yakin Dia tetap melihat engkau maka dengan cara ini engkau akan termasuk golongan muhsinin
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tunaikan segala kewajipan yang difardhukan maka engkau akan termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu berjumpa Allah dalan keadaan bersih daripada dosa
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Bersihkan dirimu daripada najis dosa nescaya engkau akan menemui Allah dalam keadaan suci daripada dosa
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihimpun pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan menzalimi seseorang maka engkau akan dihitung pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dikasihi oleh Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Kasihanilah dirimu dan kasihanilah orang lain nescaya Allah akan mengasihanimu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihapuskan segala dosaku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan beristighfar nescaya akan dihapuskan (kurangkan ) segala dosamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi semulia-mulia manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan mengesyaki sesuatu perkara pada orang lain nescaya engkau akan jadi semulia-mulia manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi segagah-gagah manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa menyerah diri(tawakkal) kepada Allah nescaya engkau akan jadi segagah-gagah manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih ( dari hadas ) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepadamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang dikasihi oleh Allah dan rasulNya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Cintailah segala apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan rasulNya maka engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang dicintai oleh Mereka
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diselamatkan dari kemurkaan Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan marah kepada orang lain nescaya engkau akan terselamat daripada kemurkaan Allah dan rasulNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diterima segala permohonanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jauhilah makanan haram nescaya segala permohonanmu akan diterimaNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu agar Allah menutupkan segala keaibanku pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tutuplah keburukan orang lain nescaya Allah akan menutup keaibanmu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Siapa yang terselamat daripada dosa?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Orang yang sentiasa mengalir air mata penyesalan, mereka yang tunduk pada kehendakNya dan mereka yang ditimpa kesakitan
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kebaikan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Elok budi pekerti, rendah diri dan sabar dengan ujian (bala )
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kejahatan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Buruk akhlak dan sedikit ketaatan
Dia berkata : Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah di dunia dan akhirat ?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sedekah dalam keadaan sembunyi ( tidak diketahui ) dan menghubungkan kasih sayang
Dia berkata: Apakan yang akan memadamkan api neraka pada hari qiamat?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : sabar di dunia dengan bala dan musibah
Telah berkata Imam Mustaghfirin: aku tidak pernah menjumpai hadis yang besar dan merangkumi kesempurnaan agama dan bermanafaat selain hadis ini….
semoga bermanafaat~~~
Daripada Sayyidina Khalid bin Al-Walid Radiallahu ‘anhu telah berkata : Telah datang seorang arab desa kepada Rasulullah S. A. W yang mana dia telah menyatakan tujuannya : Wahai Rasulullah! sesungguhnya kedatangan aku ini adalah untuk bertanya engkau mengenai apa yang akan menyempurnakan diriku di dunia dan akhirat. Maka baginda S. A. W telah berkata kepadanya Tanyalah apa yang engkau kehendaki :
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang alim
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Takutlah kepada Allah maka engkau akan jadi orang yang alim
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang paling kaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jadilah orang yang yakin pada diri maka engkau akan jadi orang paling kaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang adil
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Kasihanilah manusia yang lain sebagaimana engkau kasih pada diri sendiri maka jadilah engkau seadil-adil manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang paling baik
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Jadilah orang yang berguna kepada masyarakat maka engkau akan jadi sebaik-baik manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang istimewa di sisi Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan zikrullah nescaya engkau akan jadi orang istimewa di sisi Allah
Dia berkata : Aku mahu disempurnakan imanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Perelokkan akhlakmu nescaya imanmu akan sempurna
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan orang yang muhsinin (baik )
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Beribadatlah kepada Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya dan jika engkau tidak merasa begitu sekurangnya engkau yakin Dia tetap melihat engkau maka dengan cara ini engkau akan termasuk golongan muhsinin
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tunaikan segala kewajipan yang difardhukan maka engkau akan termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu berjumpa Allah dalan keadaan bersih daripada dosa
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Bersihkan dirimu daripada najis dosa nescaya engkau akan menemui Allah dalam keadaan suci daripada dosa
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihimpun pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan menzalimi seseorang maka engkau akan dihitung pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dikasihi oleh Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Kasihanilah dirimu dan kasihanilah orang lain nescaya Allah akan mengasihanimu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihapuskan segala dosaku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan beristighfar nescaya akan dihapuskan (kurangkan ) segala dosamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi semulia-mulia manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan mengesyaki sesuatu perkara pada orang lain nescaya engkau akan jadi semulia-mulia manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi segagah-gagah manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa menyerah diri(tawakkal) kepada Allah nescaya engkau akan jadi segagah-gagah manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih ( dari hadas ) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepadamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang dikasihi oleh Allah dan rasulNya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Cintailah segala apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan rasulNya maka engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang dicintai oleh Mereka
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diselamatkan dari kemurkaan Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan marah kepada orang lain nescaya engkau akan terselamat daripada kemurkaan Allah dan rasulNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diterima segala permohonanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jauhilah makanan haram nescaya segala permohonanmu akan diterimaNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu agar Allah menutupkan segala keaibanku pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tutuplah keburukan orang lain nescaya Allah akan menutup keaibanmu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Siapa yang terselamat daripada dosa?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Orang yang sentiasa mengalir air mata penyesalan, mereka yang tunduk pada kehendakNya dan mereka yang ditimpa kesakitan
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kebaikan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Elok budi pekerti, rendah diri dan sabar dengan ujian (bala )
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kejahatan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Buruk akhlak dan sedikit ketaatan
Dia berkata : Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah di dunia dan akhirat ?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sedekah dalam keadaan sembunyi ( tidak diketahui ) dan menghubungkan kasih sayang
Dia berkata: Apakan yang akan memadamkan api neraka pada hari qiamat?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : sabar di dunia dengan bala dan musibah
Telah berkata Imam Mustaghfirin: aku tidak pernah menjumpai hadis yang besar dan merangkumi kesempurnaan agama dan bermanafaat selain hadis ini….
semoga bermanafaat~~~
the questions
Daripada Sayyidina Khalid bin Al-Walid Radiallahu ‘anhu telah berkata : Telah datang seorang arab desa kepada Rasulullah S. A. W yang mana dia telah menyatakan tujuannya : Wahai Rasulullah! sesungguhnya kedatangan aku ini adalah untuk bertanya engkau mengenai apa yang akan menyempurnakan diriku di dunia dan akhirat. Maka baginda S. A. W telah berkata kepadanya Tanyalah apa yang engkau kehendaki :
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang alim
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Takutlah kepada Allah maka engkau akan jadi orang yang alim
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang paling kaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jadilah orang yang yakin pada diri maka engkau akan jadi orang paling kaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang adil
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Kasihanilah manusia yang lain sebagaimana engkau kasih pada diri sendiri maka jadilah engkau seadil-adil manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang paling baik
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Jadilah orang yang berguna kepada masyarakat maka engkau akan jadi sebaik-baik manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang istimewa di sisi Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan zikrullah nescaya engkau akan jadi orang istimewa di sisi Allah
Dia berkata : Aku mahu disempurnakan imanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Perelokkan akhlakmu nescaya imanmu akan sempurna
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan orang yang muhsinin (baik )
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Beribadatlah kepada Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya dan jika engkau tidak merasa begitu sekurangnya engkau yakin Dia tetap melihat engkau maka dengan cara ini engkau akan termasuk golongan muhsinin
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tunaikan segala kewajipan yang difardhukan maka engkau akan termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu berjumpa Allah dalan keadaan bersih daripada dosa
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Bersihkan dirimu daripada najis dosa nescaya engkau akan menemui Allah dalam keadaan suci daripada dosa
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihimpun pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan menzalimi seseorang maka engkau akan dihitung pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dikasihi oleh Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Kasihanilah dirimu dan kasihanilah orang lain nescaya Allah akan mengasihanimu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihapuskan segala dosaku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan beristighfar nescaya akan dihapuskan (kurangkan ) segala dosamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi semulia-mulia manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan mengesyaki sesuatu perkara pada orang lain nescaya engkau akan jadi semulia-mulia manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi segagah-gagah manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa menyerah diri(tawakkal) kepada Allah nescaya engkau akan jadi segagah-gagah manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih ( dari hadas ) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepadamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang dikasihi oleh Allah dan rasulNya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Cintailah segala apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan rasulNya maka engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang dicintai oleh Mereka
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diselamatkan dari kemurkaan Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan marah kepada orang lain nescaya engkau akan terselamat daripada kemurkaan Allah dan rasulNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diterima segala permohonanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jauhilah makanan haram nescaya segala permohonanmu akan diterimaNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu agar Allah menutupkan segala keaibanku pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tutuplah keburukan orang lain nescaya Allah akan menutup keaibanmu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Siapa yang terselamat daripada dosa?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Orang yang sentiasa mengalir air mata penyesalan, mereka yang tunduk pada kehendakNya dan mereka yang ditimpa kesakitan
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kebaikan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Elok budi pekerti, rendah diri dan sabar dengan ujian (bala )
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kejahatan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Buruk akhlak dan sedikit ketaatan
Dia berkata : Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah di dunia dan akhirat ?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sedekah dalam keadaan sembunyi ( tidak diketahui ) dan menghubungkan kasih sayang
Dia berkata: Apakan yang akan memadamkan api neraka pada hari qiamat?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : sabar di dunia dengan bala dan musibah
Telah berkata Imam Mustaghfirin: aku tidak pernah menjumpai hadis yang besar dan merangkumi kesempurnaan agama dan bermanafaat selain hadis ini….
semoga bermanafaat~~~
Daripada Sayyidina Khalid bin Al-Walid Radiallahu ‘anhu telah berkata : Telah datang seorang arab desa kepada Rasulullah S. A. W yang mana dia telah menyatakan tujuannya : Wahai Rasulullah! sesungguhnya kedatangan aku ini adalah untuk bertanya engkau mengenai apa yang akan menyempurnakan diriku di dunia dan akhirat. Maka baginda S. A. W telah berkata kepadanya Tanyalah apa yang engkau kehendaki :
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang alim
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Takutlah kepada Allah maka engkau akan jadi orang yang alim
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang paling kaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jadilah orang yang yakin pada diri maka engkau akan jadi orang paling kaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang adil
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Kasihanilah manusia yang lain sebagaimana engkau kasih pada diri sendiri maka jadilah engkau seadil-adil manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang paling baik
Baginda S. A. W menjawab: Jadilah orang yang berguna kepada masyarakat maka engkau akan jadi sebaik-baik manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi orang yang istimewa di sisi Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan zikrullah nescaya engkau akan jadi orang istimewa di sisi Allah
Dia berkata : Aku mahu disempurnakan imanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Perelokkan akhlakmu nescaya imanmu akan sempurna
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan orang yang muhsinin (baik )
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Beribadatlah kepada Allah seolah-olah engkau melihatNya dan jika engkau tidak merasa begitu sekurangnya engkau yakin Dia tetap melihat engkau maka dengan cara ini engkau akan termasuk golongan muhsinin
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tunaikan segala kewajipan yang difardhukan maka engkau akan termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang taat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu berjumpa Allah dalan keadaan bersih daripada dosa
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Bersihkan dirimu daripada najis dosa nescaya engkau akan menemui Allah dalam keadaan suci daripada dosa
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihimpun pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan menzalimi seseorang maka engkau akan dihitung pada hari qiamat di bawah cahaya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dikasihi oleh Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Kasihanilah dirimu dan kasihanilah orang lain nescaya Allah akan mengasihanimu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dihapuskan segala dosaku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Banyakkan beristighfar nescaya akan dihapuskan (kurangkan ) segala dosamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi semulia-mulia manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan mengesyaki sesuatu perkara pada orang lain nescaya engkau akan jadi semulia-mulia manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu menjadi segagah-gagah manusia
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa menyerah diri(tawakkal) kepada Allah nescaya engkau akan jadi segagah-gagah manusia
Dia berkata : Aku mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih ( dari hadas ) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepadamu
Dia berkata : Aku mahu termasuk dalam golongan mereka yang dikasihi oleh Allah dan rasulNya
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Cintailah segala apa yang disukai oleh Allah dan rasulNya maka engkau termasuk dalam golongan yang dicintai oleh Mereka
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diselamatkan dari kemurkaan Allah pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jangan marah kepada orang lain nescaya engkau akan terselamat daripada kemurkaan Allah dan rasulNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu diterima segala permohonanku
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Jauhilah makanan haram nescaya segala permohonanmu akan diterimaNya
Dia berkata : Aku mahu agar Allah menutupkan segala keaibanku pada hari qiamat
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Tutuplah keburukan orang lain nescaya Allah akan menutup keaibanmu pada hari qiamat
Dia berkata : Siapa yang terselamat daripada dosa?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Orang yang sentiasa mengalir air mata penyesalan, mereka yang tunduk pada kehendakNya dan mereka yang ditimpa kesakitan
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kebaikan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Elok budi pekerti, rendah diri dan sabar dengan ujian (bala )
Dia berkata : Apakah sebesar-besar kejahatan di sisi Allah?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Buruk akhlak dan sedikit ketaatan
Dia berkata : Apakah yang meredakan kemurkaan Allah di dunia dan akhirat ?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : Sedekah dalam keadaan sembunyi ( tidak diketahui ) dan menghubungkan kasih sayang
Dia berkata: Apakan yang akan memadamkan api neraka pada hari qiamat?
Baginda S. A. W menjawab : sabar di dunia dengan bala dan musibah
Telah berkata Imam Mustaghfirin: aku tidak pernah menjumpai hadis yang besar dan merangkumi kesempurnaan agama dan bermanafaat selain hadis ini….
semoga bermanafaat~~~
Thursday, March 12, 2009
sekilas pandang SPM
harini result spm adik aku kluar..terasa sedih apabila aku mendengar kptsn spmnya...
mendukacitakan..menyakitkan ati..mmbengangkan kpala...
gusar hati aku dr pg hngga petang apabila call dan sms aku tak dihjawab...puas aku membuat panggilan dan mnghanta sms pada adikku...
aku turut menghantar sms dan menghubungi angah aku menanyakan keputusan spm adik perempuan aku yang ternyata aku meletakkan harapan agar dia mampu perform dgn baik...
namun..musnah.. impian aku mesnah....
sungguh teruk kpsnnya...
adakah masih ada harapan pdnya???
aku berserah pada takdir dan rezeki nya...
mngkin pintu rzkinya ada pada jalan yang lain.....
mendukacitakan..menyakitkan ati..mmbengangkan kpala...
gusar hati aku dr pg hngga petang apabila call dan sms aku tak dihjawab...puas aku membuat panggilan dan mnghanta sms pada adikku...
aku turut menghantar sms dan menghubungi angah aku menanyakan keputusan spm adik perempuan aku yang ternyata aku meletakkan harapan agar dia mampu perform dgn baik...
namun..musnah.. impian aku mesnah....
sungguh teruk kpsnnya...
adakah masih ada harapan pdnya???
aku berserah pada takdir dan rezeki nya...
mngkin pintu rzkinya ada pada jalan yang lain.....
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
anatara pesakit dan mesin...
salam..begitu lama aku ingin mencoretkan apa yang terasa dalam hari tetapi tidak kesampaian kerana tiada access terhadap internet...
begitu banyak perkara yang terjadi sepanjang aku menjalani latihan industri dan cuba untuk menyesuaikan diri menjadi seorang bakal "biomedical engineer" apabila aku grad 2010 nanti insyaAllah...
minggu ini merupakan meninggu yang amat penat bagi diriku..pelbagai perkara menarik berlaku dalam minggu ni yang membuatkan aku terasa begitu amat ingin menulis pada blog ini...
semalam berlaku short circuit dalam hospital tempat aku berpraktikal...bekalan elektrik terpurus dan terpaksa bergantung pada sistem bantuan..ironiknya sistem sokongan juga mengalami kerosakkan dan bekalan elektrik adalah terhad...
sele[as itu generator mengalami masalah pelik dimana berlaku perubahan arus ulang alik dalam sistem penghantaran elektrik...mungkin disebabkan peng=yam,bungan wayar yang tidak betul ataupun kesalahan setting dalam alaatan...
untuk menyelamatkan mesin..operasi terpaksa dihentikan dan penggunaan elektrik terpaksa dihadkan...
lebih mendukacitakan terdapat seorang pakcik dalam ICU yang amat kronik...sungguh mendukacitakan..
dipendekkan cerita..pakcik ni bergantung pada life support machine yang harganya mestilah amat mahal...dan jika menggunakan mesin mesin akan rosak...
dilema aku.....
ape patut buat?????
mesin tu boleh selamatkan ramai lagi nyawa...
tapi nyawa manusia tak ternilai...
siapa kita untuk suka hati tentukan siapa HIDUP SIAPA MATI???
begitu banyak perkara yang terjadi sepanjang aku menjalani latihan industri dan cuba untuk menyesuaikan diri menjadi seorang bakal "biomedical engineer" apabila aku grad 2010 nanti insyaAllah...
minggu ini merupakan meninggu yang amat penat bagi diriku..pelbagai perkara menarik berlaku dalam minggu ni yang membuatkan aku terasa begitu amat ingin menulis pada blog ini...
semalam berlaku short circuit dalam hospital tempat aku berpraktikal...bekalan elektrik terpurus dan terpaksa bergantung pada sistem bantuan..ironiknya sistem sokongan juga mengalami kerosakkan dan bekalan elektrik adalah terhad...
sele[as itu generator mengalami masalah pelik dimana berlaku perubahan arus ulang alik dalam sistem penghantaran elektrik...mungkin disebabkan peng=yam,bungan wayar yang tidak betul ataupun kesalahan setting dalam alaatan...
untuk menyelamatkan mesin..operasi terpaksa dihentikan dan penggunaan elektrik terpaksa dihadkan...
lebih mendukacitakan terdapat seorang pakcik dalam ICU yang amat kronik...sungguh mendukacitakan..
dipendekkan cerita..pakcik ni bergantung pada life support machine yang harganya mestilah amat mahal...dan jika menggunakan mesin mesin akan rosak...
dilema aku.....
ape patut buat?????
mesin tu boleh selamatkan ramai lagi nyawa...
tapi nyawa manusia tak ternilai...
siapa kita untuk suka hati tentukan siapa HIDUP SIAPA MATI???
Sunday, March 1, 2009
solat and yoga
The “Yoga” of Islamic Prayer
By Karima Burns, MH, ND
Called “one of the oldest systems of personal development encompassing body, mind and spirit” by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, yoga has become one of the fastest growing health trends today. It has been renowned for centuries for its curative powers of movement.
Yoga consists of a number of “asnas,” or body positions, which one retains for a desired length of time while either reciting “mantras” or breathing in a rhythmic manner. Its benefits have been researched by many doctors who now recommend it to their patients, by many medical schools such as Harvard, and by many foundations such as the Menninger Foundation.
In fact, yoga has become so popular that secretaries have developed a simplified sitting version that they can do at their desks. The elderly, pregnant women and athletes also have their own versions.
Interestingly, for the millions of people enrolled in yoga classes, the Islamic form of prayer has provided Muslims for fourteen centuries with some of yoga’s same (and even superior) benefits. This simple form of “yoga” offers physical, mental, and spiritual benefits five times a day as Muslims assume certain positions while reciting Qur’an and athkar (remembrances).
Of course, not all the yoga positions are found in the Islamic prayer. However, hospital researchers have concluded that patients benefit from even a simplified version of yoga, and most hospital yoga programs, such as those at the Spaulding Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts, consist of only five to seven positions.
The Muslim prayer has five positions, and they all (as well as the recitations we make while performing the prayer) have a corresponding relationship with our spiritual and mental well being, according to modern scientific research. The benefits of performing specific movements and recitations each day come from the correct rendition of the position or action itself, the length of time the position is held, and from careful and correct recitation techniques.
Each of the five prayer positions has a corresponding yoga position, and the positions together “activate” all seven “chakras” (energy fields) in the body. The idea of activating a chakra may sound linguistically strange, but it is easier to understand once one translates that word into more familiar language.
Eastern healers believe that each of the chakras correlate to major nerve ganglia that branch forth from the spinal column. Thus, the concept of activating these nerve centers is akin to getting a chiropractic adjustment or installing a medical stimulating device on the spine to correct corresponding bodily malfunctions.
In layman’s terms, the idea of chakras can be understood by thinking about how the sense of “feeling” functions. One notices, when touching any part of the body, that that part responds by being more “awake” and aware. Another part of the body that was not touched, but is along the same nerve pathway, may also respond.
When a person is sitting, for instance, they may not be thinking about their legs, which are momentarily at rest; however, if someone touches them, they will again be “aware” of them. Chakras work in much the same way.
Studies have found that varying areas of the body, when activated by touch, movement or thought, evoke specific emotional and physical responses in much the same way that a smile can evoke the feeling of happiness, and actually increase circulation – even if one was feeling sluggish and unhappy before smiling. This is one of the reasons that it is so important to perfectly perform all of the movements of the Islamic prayer, rather than haphazardly rushing through them.
The Takbir and Al Qiyyam together are very similar to the Mountain Pose in yoga, which has been found to improve posture, balance, and self-awareness. This position also normalizes blood pressure and breathing, thus providing many benefits to asthma and heart patients.
The placement of the hands on the chest during the Qiyyam position are said to activate the solar plexus “chakra,” or nerve pathway, which directs our awareness of self in the world and controls the health of the muscular system, skin, intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and eyes. When the hands are held open for du’a, they activate the heart “chakra,” said to be the center of the feelings of love, harmony, and peace, and to control love and compassion. It also governs the health of the heart, lungs, thymus, immune system, and circulatory system.
Muslim researchers have shown that when Muslims recite the Qur’an, old thoughts, feelings, fears and guilt are released or healed, and blood pressure and stress levels are reduced. Virtually all of the sounds of the Arabic language are uttered while reciting Qur’an, creating a balance in all affected areas of the body.
Some specific sounds, in fact, correspond to major organs in the body. In his research and creation of eurhythmy, Rudolph Steiner (founder of the Waldorf Schools), , found that vibrations made when pronouncing the long vowels, 'A', 'E' and 'U,' stimulated the heart, lungs, and the thyroid, pineal, pituitary, and adrenal glands during laboratory tests.
The position of Ruku is very similar to the Forward Bend Position in yoga. Ruku stretches the muscles of the lower back, thighs, legs and calves, and allows blood to be pumped down into the upper torso. It tones the muscles of the stomach, abdomen, and kidneys. Forming a right angle allows the stomach muscles to develop, and prevents flabbiness in the mid-section.
This position also promotes a greater flow of blood into the upper regions of body – particularly to the head, eyes, ears, nose, brain, and lungs – allowing mental toxins to be released. Over time, this improves brain function and ones personality, and is an excellent stance to maintain the proper position of the fetus in pregnant women.
The Sujud is said to activate the “crown chakra,” which is related to a person’s spiritual connection with the universe around them and their enthusiasm for spiritual pursuits. This nerve pathway is also correlated to the health of the brain, nervous system, and pineal gland. Its healthy function balances ones interior and exterior energies.
In Sujud, we also bend; thus activating the “base chakra,” which controls basic human survival instincts and provides essential grounding. This helps to develop levelheaded and positive thinking along with a highly motivated view of life, and maintains the health of the lymph and skeletal systems, the prostate, bladder, and the adrenal glands. We also bend the “sacral chakra” during Sujud, thus benefiting and toning the reproductive organs.
The position of Al Qaadah, (or Julus) is similar to the Thunderbolt Pose in yoga, which firms the toes, knees, thighs, and legs. It is said to be good for those prone to excessive sleep, and those who like to keep long hours. Furthermore, this position assists in speedy digestion, aids the detoxification of the liver, and stimulates peristaltic action in the large intestine.
Last, but not least, the “throat chakra” is activated by turning the head towards first the right and then the left shoulder in the closing of the prayer. This nerve path is linked to the throat, neck, arms, hands, bronchials, and hearing – effecting individual creativity and communication.
It is believed that a person who activates all seven nerve pathways at least once a day can remain well balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually. Since this is the goal of all sincere Muslims, we all should strive to attain the perfection of stance, recitation, and breathing recommended in the Hadith while performing our prayers – the very same techniques of perfection taught in popular yoga, Tai Chi, and many other exercise classes.
By Karima Burns, MH, ND
Called “one of the oldest systems of personal development encompassing body, mind and spirit” by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, yoga has become one of the fastest growing health trends today. It has been renowned for centuries for its curative powers of movement.
Yoga consists of a number of “asnas,” or body positions, which one retains for a desired length of time while either reciting “mantras” or breathing in a rhythmic manner. Its benefits have been researched by many doctors who now recommend it to their patients, by many medical schools such as Harvard, and by many foundations such as the Menninger Foundation.
In fact, yoga has become so popular that secretaries have developed a simplified sitting version that they can do at their desks. The elderly, pregnant women and athletes also have their own versions.
Interestingly, for the millions of people enrolled in yoga classes, the Islamic form of prayer has provided Muslims for fourteen centuries with some of yoga’s same (and even superior) benefits. This simple form of “yoga” offers physical, mental, and spiritual benefits five times a day as Muslims assume certain positions while reciting Qur’an and athkar (remembrances).
Of course, not all the yoga positions are found in the Islamic prayer. However, hospital researchers have concluded that patients benefit from even a simplified version of yoga, and most hospital yoga programs, such as those at the Spaulding Rehabilitation Center in Massachusetts, consist of only five to seven positions.
The Muslim prayer has five positions, and they all (as well as the recitations we make while performing the prayer) have a corresponding relationship with our spiritual and mental well being, according to modern scientific research. The benefits of performing specific movements and recitations each day come from the correct rendition of the position or action itself, the length of time the position is held, and from careful and correct recitation techniques.
Each of the five prayer positions has a corresponding yoga position, and the positions together “activate” all seven “chakras” (energy fields) in the body. The idea of activating a chakra may sound linguistically strange, but it is easier to understand once one translates that word into more familiar language.
Eastern healers believe that each of the chakras correlate to major nerve ganglia that branch forth from the spinal column. Thus, the concept of activating these nerve centers is akin to getting a chiropractic adjustment or installing a medical stimulating device on the spine to correct corresponding bodily malfunctions.
In layman’s terms, the idea of chakras can be understood by thinking about how the sense of “feeling” functions. One notices, when touching any part of the body, that that part responds by being more “awake” and aware. Another part of the body that was not touched, but is along the same nerve pathway, may also respond.
When a person is sitting, for instance, they may not be thinking about their legs, which are momentarily at rest; however, if someone touches them, they will again be “aware” of them. Chakras work in much the same way.
Studies have found that varying areas of the body, when activated by touch, movement or thought, evoke specific emotional and physical responses in much the same way that a smile can evoke the feeling of happiness, and actually increase circulation – even if one was feeling sluggish and unhappy before smiling. This is one of the reasons that it is so important to perfectly perform all of the movements of the Islamic prayer, rather than haphazardly rushing through them.
The Takbir and Al Qiyyam together are very similar to the Mountain Pose in yoga, which has been found to improve posture, balance, and self-awareness. This position also normalizes blood pressure and breathing, thus providing many benefits to asthma and heart patients.
The placement of the hands on the chest during the Qiyyam position are said to activate the solar plexus “chakra,” or nerve pathway, which directs our awareness of self in the world and controls the health of the muscular system, skin, intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and eyes. When the hands are held open for du’a, they activate the heart “chakra,” said to be the center of the feelings of love, harmony, and peace, and to control love and compassion. It also governs the health of the heart, lungs, thymus, immune system, and circulatory system.
Muslim researchers have shown that when Muslims recite the Qur’an, old thoughts, feelings, fears and guilt are released or healed, and blood pressure and stress levels are reduced. Virtually all of the sounds of the Arabic language are uttered while reciting Qur’an, creating a balance in all affected areas of the body.
Some specific sounds, in fact, correspond to major organs in the body. In his research and creation of eurhythmy, Rudolph Steiner (founder of the Waldorf Schools), , found that vibrations made when pronouncing the long vowels, 'A', 'E' and 'U,' stimulated the heart, lungs, and the thyroid, pineal, pituitary, and adrenal glands during laboratory tests.
The position of Ruku is very similar to the Forward Bend Position in yoga. Ruku stretches the muscles of the lower back, thighs, legs and calves, and allows blood to be pumped down into the upper torso. It tones the muscles of the stomach, abdomen, and kidneys. Forming a right angle allows the stomach muscles to develop, and prevents flabbiness in the mid-section.
This position also promotes a greater flow of blood into the upper regions of body – particularly to the head, eyes, ears, nose, brain, and lungs – allowing mental toxins to be released. Over time, this improves brain function and ones personality, and is an excellent stance to maintain the proper position of the fetus in pregnant women.
The Sujud is said to activate the “crown chakra,” which is related to a person’s spiritual connection with the universe around them and their enthusiasm for spiritual pursuits. This nerve pathway is also correlated to the health of the brain, nervous system, and pineal gland. Its healthy function balances ones interior and exterior energies.
In Sujud, we also bend; thus activating the “base chakra,” which controls basic human survival instincts and provides essential grounding. This helps to develop levelheaded and positive thinking along with a highly motivated view of life, and maintains the health of the lymph and skeletal systems, the prostate, bladder, and the adrenal glands. We also bend the “sacral chakra” during Sujud, thus benefiting and toning the reproductive organs.
The position of Al Qaadah, (or Julus) is similar to the Thunderbolt Pose in yoga, which firms the toes, knees, thighs, and legs. It is said to be good for those prone to excessive sleep, and those who like to keep long hours. Furthermore, this position assists in speedy digestion, aids the detoxification of the liver, and stimulates peristaltic action in the large intestine.
Last, but not least, the “throat chakra” is activated by turning the head towards first the right and then the left shoulder in the closing of the prayer. This nerve path is linked to the throat, neck, arms, hands, bronchials, and hearing – effecting individual creativity and communication.
It is believed that a person who activates all seven nerve pathways at least once a day can remain well balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually. Since this is the goal of all sincere Muslims, we all should strive to attain the perfection of stance, recitation, and breathing recommended in the Hadith while performing our prayers – the very same techniques of perfection taught in popular yoga, Tai Chi, and many other exercise classes.
solat dan penemuan sains
Solat dan Penemuan Sains
editOr: n13@m
Sebagai umat Islam, kita diwajibkan untuk mengerjakan solat lima waktu sehari semalam.Tetapi kenapa? Dalam surah Al-Mukminun ayat 1-2 dan 9, Allah SWT manjelaskan, "Sesungguhnya telah berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. (iaitu) mereka yang khusyuk dalam solat mereka....Dan mereka yang memelihara solat mereka" Ayat-ayat ini menjelaskan bahawa untuk berjaya umat Islam tidak boleh mengabaikan solat sama sekali terutamanya solat-solat fardhu. Solat merupakan satu ibadah yang amat penting sehinggakan ketika sedang berperang sekalipun ia tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Solat juga merupakan tiang agama.
Nabi pernah bersabda "Solat itu tiang agama,sesiapa yang meninggalkannya ibarat dia meruntuhkan agama" Solat dan Penemuan Sains Kajian-kajian sains menunjukkan meditasi mendatangkan banyak kebaikan kepada manusia. Mereka yang bermeditasi menggunakan oksigen 17% lebih rendah daripada biasa. Di samping itu, jantung mereka berdenyut dengan kadar yang lebih rendah daripada biasa dan gelombang theta dalam otak meningkat dengan jelasnya. Gelombang theta ialah gelombang otak yang wujud apabila seseorang berada di saat yang amat menenangkan terutamanya ketika hampir terlena. Meditasi mampu meredakan stress dan menjadikan seseorang lebih tenang dan ceria. Tambahan pula, mereka yang bermeditasi didapati lebih bertenaga dan kurang mengalami sakit jantung serta masalah pada sistem penghadaman.
Solat yang dilakukan secara khusyuk boleh diibaratkan sebagai meditasi yang melebihi meditasi biasa. Maksudnya, dalam solat yang dilakukan secara khusyuk, memang terdapat unsur-unsur meditasi, tetapi ia berbeza dengan meditasi yang biasa kerana solat yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam ialah satu ibadah. Kalimah-kalimah dalam solat adalah pilihan Allah SWT dan Rasul, bukannya pilihan manusia biasa, dan ketenangan yang diperolehi adalah ketenangan kurniaan Allah SWT. Lebih daripada itu, mereka yang bersolat akan mendapat rahmat daripada Allah SWT.
Solat dan Yoga,ada orang yang mengatakan solat ialah yoga. Sebenarnya solat bukanlah senaman ataupun yoga. Bagi orang Islam, solat lebih agung daripada sebarang senaman termasuk yoga. Solat ialah zikir yang paling mulia. Berhubung dengan yoga, yoga mempunyai kedudukan serta gerak badan tertentu yang dikenali sebagai asanas. Ketika mengamalkan yoga, seseorang akan duduk pada kedudukan tertentu dengan melafazkan kalimat-kalimatmantra yang tertentu di samping bernafas secara teratur. Salah satu kedudukan yoga atau asanas yang terpenting ialah Sirshasana (headstand). Ia dikenali juga sebagai King of Yoga.
Di kedudukan ini, seorang pengamal yoga akan meletakkan kepalanya ke bumi dan diperingkat kemuncaknya akan meluruskan badan agar kakinya berada di atas. Sayangnya kedudukan sebegini tidak dapat dilakukan oleh semua orang. Jika dilihat secara menyeluruh, memang terdapat beberapa unsur yoga di dalam solat. Solat merupakan ibadah yang merangkumi "jasad, roh dan akal". Ia mempunyai kedudukan serta gerak hati yang sentiasa ikhlas kepada Allah dan ini dikaitkan dengan rukun qalbi. Ia juga mempunyai kalimat-kalimat tertentu yang perlu dilafazkan dan ini dikaitkan dengan rukun qauli serta zikir.
Salah satu kedudukan yang terpenting dalam solat ialah sujud. Di kedudukan ini seseorang akan meletakkan kepalanya di bumi dan di kedudukan ini, darah dari jantungnya akan turun ke otak dengan mudah sekali. Berbeza denagn sirshasana, sujud dapat dilakukan oleh hampir semua orang. Namun solat ialah lebih daripada yoga kerana ia ialah ibadah yang berdasarkan wahyu. Ia adalah aktiviti penyembahan kepada Yang Maha Pencipta yang memerlukan disiplin kerana ia terikat dengan waktu. Seseorang yang hendak bersolat mestilah menyucikan jiwanya terlebih dahulu. Tekanan jiwa atau stress sering melanda manusia dan solat mempunyai penawar yang mampu meredakannya. Hal ini disebabkan solat mengandungi zikir dan zikir jika diamalkan dengan khusyuk mampu mendamaikan hati.
editOr: n13@m
Sebagai umat Islam, kita diwajibkan untuk mengerjakan solat lima waktu sehari semalam.Tetapi kenapa? Dalam surah Al-Mukminun ayat 1-2 dan 9, Allah SWT manjelaskan, "Sesungguhnya telah berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. (iaitu) mereka yang khusyuk dalam solat mereka....Dan mereka yang memelihara solat mereka" Ayat-ayat ini menjelaskan bahawa untuk berjaya umat Islam tidak boleh mengabaikan solat sama sekali terutamanya solat-solat fardhu. Solat merupakan satu ibadah yang amat penting sehinggakan ketika sedang berperang sekalipun ia tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Solat juga merupakan tiang agama.
Nabi pernah bersabda "Solat itu tiang agama,sesiapa yang meninggalkannya ibarat dia meruntuhkan agama" Solat dan Penemuan Sains Kajian-kajian sains menunjukkan meditasi mendatangkan banyak kebaikan kepada manusia. Mereka yang bermeditasi menggunakan oksigen 17% lebih rendah daripada biasa. Di samping itu, jantung mereka berdenyut dengan kadar yang lebih rendah daripada biasa dan gelombang theta dalam otak meningkat dengan jelasnya. Gelombang theta ialah gelombang otak yang wujud apabila seseorang berada di saat yang amat menenangkan terutamanya ketika hampir terlena. Meditasi mampu meredakan stress dan menjadikan seseorang lebih tenang dan ceria. Tambahan pula, mereka yang bermeditasi didapati lebih bertenaga dan kurang mengalami sakit jantung serta masalah pada sistem penghadaman.
Solat yang dilakukan secara khusyuk boleh diibaratkan sebagai meditasi yang melebihi meditasi biasa. Maksudnya, dalam solat yang dilakukan secara khusyuk, memang terdapat unsur-unsur meditasi, tetapi ia berbeza dengan meditasi yang biasa kerana solat yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam ialah satu ibadah. Kalimah-kalimah dalam solat adalah pilihan Allah SWT dan Rasul, bukannya pilihan manusia biasa, dan ketenangan yang diperolehi adalah ketenangan kurniaan Allah SWT. Lebih daripada itu, mereka yang bersolat akan mendapat rahmat daripada Allah SWT.
Solat dan Yoga,ada orang yang mengatakan solat ialah yoga. Sebenarnya solat bukanlah senaman ataupun yoga. Bagi orang Islam, solat lebih agung daripada sebarang senaman termasuk yoga. Solat ialah zikir yang paling mulia. Berhubung dengan yoga, yoga mempunyai kedudukan serta gerak badan tertentu yang dikenali sebagai asanas. Ketika mengamalkan yoga, seseorang akan duduk pada kedudukan tertentu dengan melafazkan kalimat-kalimatmantra yang tertentu di samping bernafas secara teratur. Salah satu kedudukan yoga atau asanas yang terpenting ialah Sirshasana (headstand). Ia dikenali juga sebagai King of Yoga.
Di kedudukan ini, seorang pengamal yoga akan meletakkan kepalanya ke bumi dan diperingkat kemuncaknya akan meluruskan badan agar kakinya berada di atas. Sayangnya kedudukan sebegini tidak dapat dilakukan oleh semua orang. Jika dilihat secara menyeluruh, memang terdapat beberapa unsur yoga di dalam solat. Solat merupakan ibadah yang merangkumi "jasad, roh dan akal". Ia mempunyai kedudukan serta gerak hati yang sentiasa ikhlas kepada Allah dan ini dikaitkan dengan rukun qalbi. Ia juga mempunyai kalimat-kalimat tertentu yang perlu dilafazkan dan ini dikaitkan dengan rukun qauli serta zikir.
Salah satu kedudukan yang terpenting dalam solat ialah sujud. Di kedudukan ini seseorang akan meletakkan kepalanya di bumi dan di kedudukan ini, darah dari jantungnya akan turun ke otak dengan mudah sekali. Berbeza denagn sirshasana, sujud dapat dilakukan oleh hampir semua orang. Namun solat ialah lebih daripada yoga kerana ia ialah ibadah yang berdasarkan wahyu. Ia adalah aktiviti penyembahan kepada Yang Maha Pencipta yang memerlukan disiplin kerana ia terikat dengan waktu. Seseorang yang hendak bersolat mestilah menyucikan jiwanya terlebih dahulu. Tekanan jiwa atau stress sering melanda manusia dan solat mempunyai penawar yang mampu meredakannya. Hal ini disebabkan solat mengandungi zikir dan zikir jika diamalkan dengan khusyuk mampu mendamaikan hati.