Fa-biayyi alaa'i Rabbi kuma tukadzdzi ban
Aku terasa agak pelik harini. Yup..sangat pelik. Hari2 yang aku lalui sekarang sangat berubah. Awal2 masuk kerja dulu aku rasa aku cuba untuk sangat berdisiplin. Dan bebanan kerja memang terasa agak berat untk menanggung. Mungkin kerana aku belum terbiasa dan aku tidak tahu manage apa yang berlaku dipersekitaran aku. Sekarang aku merasakan kerja aku terlalu senang. Banyak masa aku disia2kan di office. Aku sudah tidak ke PUSRAWI untuk melakukan technical works - PPM, Filing, Invoice, melayan kerenah Nurse yang ntah pape tu sume. Alhamdulillah semakin senang workflow yang aku lakukan sehari2. Namun bila berada di zon selesa ni satu je masalah akan timbul.
Ketamakan akan mula mencemar duli. Ye..siapa tak nak gaji besar kan? Ntahla. Aku hipokrit la kalo teak terasa nak gaji besar, ada kereta sendiri, rumah. Macam ayat aku selalu pakai
"...Dihiaskan (dan dijadikan indah) kepada manusia: kesukaan kepada benda-benda yang diingini nafsu, iaitu perempuan-perempuan dan anak-pinak; harta benda yang banyak bertimbun-timbun, dari emas dan perak; kuda peliharaan yang bertanda lagi terlatih; dan binatang-binatang ternak serta kebun-kebun tanaman. Semuanya itu ialah kesenangan hidup di dunia. Dan (ingatlah), pada sisi Allah ada tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya (iaitu Syurga)...." [Al-Imran 3:14]
Apakah aku ini mengejar impian yang menggunung? Terus terang aku dulu bercita2 nak jd doctor. Maybe bukan minat aku sangat. Cuma aku teringat masa kecik2 abah aku selalu cakap pasal doctor. pastu aku pulak dengan keadaan parent aku yang kurang sihat membuatkan aku terfikir aku nak cari cara mengubati mak ayah aku. Impian je la kiranya nak jadi doctor. Tp malas gila. HuHu (!_!)
Lepas SPM aku ada je dapat offer macam2. Yang tak boleh blah time lps SPM aku still tak tahu nak jadi apa. MEans aku nk belajar apa utk bekerja sehingga aku tua. TUpTup ada offer msk matrik. Sedangkan masa tu interview gler bersepah, MA, Radiographer, Cikgu TESL, MISC..Cuma masa tu aku tak dapat form6. kalo dapat aku rasa aku lepak kampung Baling je kot. Masuk MARA Kulim aku terus hilang arah. Baru aku jumpa budak2 yg terlalu amat pandai giler dari aku. Dimalangkan cerita aku xperform pn time matrik. HuHu. Tgk classmate aku ramai je sambung medic kat luar negara. Aku nak apply dlm negara pun hancor!!! Xpela sabar jela. Nak buat medic xleh terambil BIOMEDICAL Engineering. - Actually sebab nama mcm gempaq giler je. HahAHaREMmMmm..
So study la aku kat UniPeta di utara tanah air.4 tahun terbuang. Habis je study aku bekerja di sini. I'm No. 4..Sesi interview agak pelik. Dengan aku menumpang rumah tok semalam untuk interview je. Tok kerja dekat 2bulan ke sebulan kot sebelum aku dtg KL. Tak sangka Mior bagi resume aku, pastu dorg panggil interview. Masa tu aku ingat nak gain experience je sambil buat duit poket.
Ok2. Pasal interview aku pergi interview tu dahla sesat cari office kat mana tak jumpa. Dengan big boss turun kat bawah office jemput aku. huhu pakai smart kot aku, kemeja color biru. hehe aku suka sgt baju kemeja tu. sampai sekrang aku simpan. Sesi interview aku dapat catalog. VENTILATOR Leoni Plus. Adoi. Dahla aku xreti pape pasal ventilator. Masuk interview lewat pulak tu. Baru baca sket turn aku dah nak sampai. Masa tu jugak aku kenal Jelina Anak Langkau. Sabahan. Dia present memang giler kentang gulung. Fuhh aku igt dia je yang dapat. Apstu turn aku aku goreng teori je. Bernoulli Teorem, Konsep Pressure dengan Volume. Tidal Volume, Deadth space yang memang takda dalam pun dalam katalog. Haha. Sume knowledge SPM aku je la aku taram. Lepas aku taram semua. EnRushdi ajak p makan2. Huhh aku, Jelina dgn dia p makan. Dia duduk tanya pasal expected salary kat Jelina dgn aku. Aku masa tu baik lagi. Terima je la apa dia bg. Dalam hati aku duduk fikir mesti dia kesian kat aku sebab dtg jauh dr Baling semata2 nk tebiu. huhu belanja makan je la..xdela sedih sgt tak dapat kerja.Tp aku minum air je. Segan.
Sekarang pejam celik dah 2 tahun aku kerja dekat tecch4uc. Entitled? Ntahla. Semua aku. Cume bukan boss la..HaHa. Mengongx3. Buat kerja pun dah berkira, pemalas, xaggresive, Macam2 la. Aku rasa banyak aku belajar kat sini. Banyak aku kenal erti kehidupan kat sini. Pengajaran paling berharga walaupun aku dapat dengan cara yang susah adala
"..Kamu diwajibkan berperang (untuk menentang pencerobohan) sedang peperangan itu ialah perkara yang kamu benci; dan boleh jadi kamu benci kepada sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi kamu suka kepada sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu. Dan (ingatlah), Allah jualah Yang mengetahui (semuanya itu), sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya. ..." [Al Baqarah - 2:216]
Lirik Lagu GIFT - By Mr.Children
What is the most beautiful color?
What is that which shines brightest?
I searched for the perfect gift
while imagining what would make you happy
we say we want to find our “true selves”
we say we want to know the “meaning of life”
when I hand (this gift) over, I hope it up and solves those riddles
i hope you’ll accept it.
For the longest time, I’ve been holding on tight to it,
hoping to give it to you
so it’s gotten all crumpled, and the color is so different now
i can’t even flatteringly describe it as pretty.
we find ourselves presented with tough problems
“Answer with black or white”
with the wall we’ve run smack dab into before us
we’re not sure what to do
we may not know what to do but…
In between black and white there are infinite colors
and it’s there that I search for a color that suits you
once i’ve given it a gentle sounding name
then, I will give that most beautiful color to you.
even if we arrive at the edge of the horizon,
a new horizon stretches on from there
I ask my heart
“Ready to call it quits?”
and I heard it say back
that it wants to keep on.
i can still manage carrying this baggage
that suddenly seems to have multiplied
I’ll even carry yours
so come on over,
that alone will lighten my heart.
at the end of an endless journey,
who is “the chosen one”?
even if its not me,
I’m going to keep on running
I’ll keep on running.
the sunlight shines down
which is why there is shade
all of it has a purpose
because each appreciates the other
no matter where we are
we can feel the light.
I send it to you now. I wonder if you’ll like it?
Please accept it. It was because I was with you that I could find it.
It’s I who should be thanking you.
What is the most beautiful color?
What is that which shines brightest?
I keep the gift you gave me, always, deep in my heart
see, how it shines now
it can still shine on.
What is that which shines brightest?
I searched for the perfect gift
while imagining what would make you happy
we say we want to find our “true selves”
we say we want to know the “meaning of life”
when I hand (this gift) over, I hope it up and solves those riddles
i hope you’ll accept it.
For the longest time, I’ve been holding on tight to it,
hoping to give it to you
so it’s gotten all crumpled, and the color is so different now
i can’t even flatteringly describe it as pretty.
we find ourselves presented with tough problems
“Answer with black or white”
with the wall we’ve run smack dab into before us
we’re not sure what to do
we may not know what to do but…
In between black and white there are infinite colors
and it’s there that I search for a color that suits you
once i’ve given it a gentle sounding name
then, I will give that most beautiful color to you.
even if we arrive at the edge of the horizon,
a new horizon stretches on from there
I ask my heart
“Ready to call it quits?”
and I heard it say back
that it wants to keep on.
i can still manage carrying this baggage
that suddenly seems to have multiplied
I’ll even carry yours
so come on over,
that alone will lighten my heart.
at the end of an endless journey,
who is “the chosen one”?
even if its not me,
I’m going to keep on running
I’ll keep on running.
the sunlight shines down
which is why there is shade
all of it has a purpose
because each appreciates the other
no matter where we are
we can feel the light.
I send it to you now. I wonder if you’ll like it?
Please accept it. It was because I was with you that I could find it.
It’s I who should be thanking you.
What is the most beautiful color?
What is that which shines brightest?
I keep the gift you gave me, always, deep in my heart
see, how it shines now
it can still shine on.