In the Name of Allâh the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful.

سْــــــــــــــــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم YaAllah janganlah kau uji apa yang tidak termampu aku lalui ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶When You Are HURT, You Learn To HATE..On The Other Hand, When You Hurt Someone, You Are RESENTED..BUT You Start To FEEL GUILTY As Well..However, Understanding Such Pain Enables YOU to Be KIND to Others..KNOWING PAIN Helps us GROW UP, to MATURE.. ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶ We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶yaAllah..berikanlah aku kekuatan mennempuhi segala cabaran dan dugaan..aku lemah tanpaMU..٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶Starting over isn't crazy. Crazy is being miserable. and walking around half asleep, numb, day after day after day. Crazy is pretending to be happy. Pretending that the way things are is the way they have to be for the rest of your bleeding life.٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ If she's amazing, she wont be easy. If she's easy, she wont be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you are not worthy. The truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for -Bob Marley :٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶..Mohon maaf atas segala salah silap.. Ikhlas dari MOHD SHUIB ABD RAHMAN..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

why Graduates Unemployed -perception view-

so aku akan berbicara pasal kenapa aku gagal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan..rasanye bnyk sbb knapa aku gagal dapat kije..ini bukan alasan..tapi kebenaran..apa yang aku lalui

  1. xda duit nk g tebiu
  2. xtau mana tempat tebiu
  3. mslh logistik - tau tmpt..ada duit - tp xtau nk g cmne
  4. mana nk ddk masa tebiu abis-tempat jauh-
  5. xda skill nk tunjuk
  6. resume sampah..sape nk beli pekerja yg nerd
  7. xda skill
  8. xreti cakap-softskill

malas nk sebab aku xdpt kije lg kot

interviewer"dalam masa 5tahun..apa anda akan jd??"
me"I'll be the one who ask exactly the same question to another person in an interview :)"

-adakah aku bersifat riak dan takbur??? -
